Wednesday 25 July 2012

Target Audience

2. Target Audience

2.1 Internal

The main target audience internally is the SP community which consists of students and staff. The main aim is to raise awareness to the SP community about SLL. However, SLL welcome students and staffs that is keen in contributing and helping in the building and marketing of SLL.

Since SLL consist of 4 different schools, we welcome students from other school such as business (SB), digital media & info-comm. technology (DMIT) and communication, arts & social sciences (CASS). SLL need different diversity of students from different schools as SLL needs students that can create and design website, market SLL to SP community, public and business enterprises

2.2 External

The target audience in external marketing is the business enterprises and also the public. However, the focus would be more on business enterprises as SP would want to expand its business contacts and build relationship. In addition, the business enterprises could help SLL by sponsoring their products to us. In return, SP would help the business enterprises to showcase its products and brand.

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