Monday 30 July 2012

Issues Faced

During the internship, we have faced a few issues that challenged us throughout the whole 16 weeks:

(1)   Inability to adapt to the working life. In the past, during our education in the Singapore Polytechnic, we were given specific assignments and tasks to do for our modules. As such, we were rather used to the spoon-feeding by the lecturers to tell us what we have to do. However, during our internship in SLL, we had to start from the scratch for our Sponsorship & Marketing campaigns. We had no idea on which direction to work to and whether the direction that we were heading was the correct one. Due to this, we were rather unmotivated and felt helpless at times. Lucky for us, we managed to talk it through and discuss with our supervisors & liaison officer and we got over this issue at the end of the day.

(2)   Inadequate knowledge on the tasks we were assigned to for the SLL. As we are tasked to work on the sponsorship and marketing side, we were absolutely clueless on them, besides the mere knowledge on the “4Ps” for marketing. Therefore, we had to get inputs from our supervisors, search for information on the internet and obtain ideas from our business lecturers. All in all, we managed to overcome this obstacle and learn to be more pro-active in finding information from the respective sources.  

(3)   Insufficient manpower to work on the project assigned to us for the SLL. For the sponsorship & marketing campaign, there were only 2 members assigned to this project. Honestly speaking, the manpower is rather insufficient to drive both of the campaigns. After clarification, we realized that we were not required to carry out the actual campaigns now on our own, but rather to come out with detailed plans so that future members can follow up and take over from there. As such, we were clearer of our tasks on hand, and therefore we wasted no time and worked along this direction to come out with a detailed report for the sponsorship and marketing campaigns.

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