Monday 30 July 2012

Visibility to public: T-shirt

Polo T-Shirt
We will be producing white Polo T-shirts for our sponsors, which are exclusive only to these companies. After seeking the companies’ permission, the logos of the sponsors will be printed at the back of the Polo T-shirts, in alphabetical order, so that there will not be any disputes among the companies on the placement of the logos on the T-shirts. Alternatively, we can print the sponsor’s logos at the back of the white Singapore Polytechnic Shirt. This will portray the camaraderie and close relationship between SLL & its sponsors.
These Polo T-shirts will serve as the purpose of advertising for the respective sponsors as they will be worn during special events where there will be media press, such as opening events of SLL.

The color of the polo T-shirt will be white. We choose white as it symbolizes purity. White symbolizes the potential to move towards every color and this makes it a good choice for a new beginnings and development in any area such as SLL. Therefore, in an opening day of SLL, the entire member present will be wearing white as it symbolizes a new beginning for SLL. In addition, it gives out the impression of exclusivity and official because white color is often used in official events. 

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