Monday 30 July 2012

Suggestion: SLL Video Competition

We could create video competitions of SLL by asking students to make a short 1-2 minutes video or animation. These competitions will be held bi-annually. All students are welcome to join these competitions. The maximum entries per group are 5. The video theme will revolve around sustainability and SLL. It will be posted on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube as well as SP website. Winners will receive attractive prices. However, we recommend that the champion should receive $500 to attract students to join this competition. The winner is determined by how many shares, likes and comment that the videos have. They are given 2 months to create the videos/animation and submit it to us. Then, we will post the videos in Facebook and get the students to vote for their favorite videos. The period for voting is 2 weeks. After that, we will announce the winner and we will use their videos to attract and raise awareness to public and students about SLL. We could also make it a compulsory project for student in some courses such as digital animation (DDA), visual effects and motion graphics (DVEMG) and creative writing for TV and new media (DTVM) as they could use their expertise and create videos for SLL.
Figure 20: N.Emation
For example N.E.mation as it is a digital animation competition organized by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence. Into its seventh season in 2012, the competition has proven highly successful, with more than 7,500 students participating since its inception in 2007. With training and guidance, students with no prior experience have been able to create clips of broadcast quality to screen on free-to-air television such as channel 5 and 8. Some of these clips were even selected for international animation festivals and won several awards. 

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