Monday 30 July 2012

Budget & Resources

Budget and Resources
Social Media Site
Manpower from SLL club to update social media site when needed
Library Exhibition
3 Promoters
3 old and 1 new Prototypes
Old and new posters
2-3 Ipads
Wednesday Talks
2 presenters (lecturers)
Manpower to do and edit PowerPoint slide
Phase 1: 30 A3 and 15 A4 posters
Phase2: 30 A3 and 20 A4 posters
Manpower for pasting poster around campus
SP magazine
Manpower for writing SLL’s article
SP Website / Blackboard
Manpower to publish and create the content for SP buzz and Blackboard notification.
Figure 16: Budget and Resources Table
Social media site such as facebook, twitter, YouTube and BlogSpot are free to create but we need manpower to update it regularly.

We need $100 for library exhibition as we will cater $60 budget for making the final version of SLL. For the remaining $40, we will be using it to create new poster to explain about the final version and technologies of SLL. In addition, we will also be displaying the 3 old prototypes of SLL and the posters in T832. IPad are also needed to display the pictures, blueprint and Google Sketch-up of SLL.

Wednesday talks are free. However, we need manpower to prepare for Wednesday Talks. We need 2 presenters, 1 as a reserve. We also need one to prepare the PowerPoint slide.

The budget for the posters would be around $275 for both phrases. For first phase, we will be putting up 1 A3 size poster in each school. As SP has 10 schools, we will be printing 10 A3 posters in total. Next, we will be printing 30 color A4 posters. Thus the total cost for phase 1 is (10*$12) + (30*$0.5) =$135. We will only be using 1 poster design for the second phase, where there will be 10 A3 posters and 40 A4 color posters in total. We will put 1 quality A3 posters in each school and 3 A4 color posters, which leave with 10 remaining A4 color posters. These 10 remaining posters will be put up in lifts area and food courts. Thus the total cost for phase 2 is (10*$12) + (40*$0.5) =$140. Therefore the total cost for both phrases is $275.

The budget for SP magazine is $0 as it is free to publish an article in SP magazine. Thus, the only thing is we need is manpower to write a good article about SLL.

It is also free to put up content about SLL in SP website and Blackboard. On the other hand, we need manpower for one to create the content in SP buzz and also someone to design the notification in Blackboard.

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