Monday 30 July 2012


In view of the whole report, the following conclusions can be made:
·         The proposed theme for the internal marketing is “imprinting memories”.
·         The top 3 social media sites in Singapore from June 2011 to June 2012 are Facebook, YouTube & Twitter. Thus, these 3 social media sites, together with Blogger, will be used to promote for SLL.
·         Exhibitions will be put up in the Singapore Polytechnic Main Library to promote the SLL.
·         Talks will be organized on Wednesday whenever necessary to provide updates on the SLL to the SP community.
·         Posters on the SLL will be placed all around the SP campus to advertise for the SLL. There will be 2 phases of posters in total, before the SLL is built and after the SLL is built.
·         Articles will be published regularly in the SP magazine, SPirit, to provide more information on the SLL to the SP community.
·          Notifications of the SLL will be updated on the SP website and Blackboard whenever required to the SP community.
·         With the implementation of the SLL, it will be beneficial to the students by enhancing the experience of student learning and learning up-to-date technologies related to their diplomas. This will provide a positive publicity for the SLL externally.
·         Billboards will be placed near the School of Business and right next to the SLL to promote the logos of the sponsors.
·         White Polo T-shirts will be produced exclusively for the members of the SLL and the sponsors for advertising purposes. They will be worn during special events where there are media press.
·         By sponsoring for the SLL, it will create a brand differentiation of the sponsors from its competitors. This will increase the company’s image and link the company to sustainability.
·         SLL will be a platform for test-bedding of new products from the sponsor companies. Detailed feedbacks will be given at the end of the day.
·         With the SLL, it will provide future business opportunities for the sponsors as they can implement SLL as a blueprint for further development of business ideas.
·         By sponsoring for SLL, companies can be seen as supporting green campaign in Singapore and thus, reaping benefits and improving profits through the implementation of CSR.

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