Wednesday 25 July 2012

Promotional events in SP

3.1.2 Events Library Exhibitions

We have decided to put up exhibitions to promote the SLL in the Singapore Polytechnic Main Library. We will be showcasing posters and prototypes of the SLL, while getting students undergoing the Industrial Training Programme (ITP) to give talks about it at various time slots available.
Who to approach
The person to approach for putting up an exhibition in the library will be Ms Charlotte, who is the programme & exhibition coordinator.  She is also the subject librarian for the School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (MAE). Her main scope of work will be to identify venues and to help technically in the setting up of exhibitions in the library. After she is done with the general overview of her job scope, the rest will be followed up in details by Mr Heng, who is the subject librarian for the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE). His main tasks are to collaborate with the lecturers-in-charge of the project in the School of EEE, while providing publicity of the exhibition to the rest of the SP community.
What to display
First and foremost, posters created by the students from the four schools will be displayed. Old poster of SLL at T832 is shown in Appendix A2. Also, new posters will be created to enhance the experience of the visitors to the exhibition. At the same time, prototypes and the separate kits of the SLL will be shown, which presents a 3D effect of the SLL to the people. We will also be utilizing iPads, which will be provided by the library, to display the blueprint, pictures, videos and Google Sketchup of the SLL. This will provides an interactive platform for the SP community to learn more about the SLL.
When to display
The duration for the exhibition will be between 1 to 2 months. The reason being that anything after 2 months will be too long, and this will only have an adverse effect on the exhibition as the SP community might get bored after some time.
Where to display
The possible places of the exhibition to be held in the Main Library will be on level 1, 2 and 4. Depending on the feasibility and the date of the exhibition, Ms Charlotte will give advice on the most appropriate venue in the library. After discussion with Ms Charlotte, she suggested that the exhibition can be held at level 2. Firstly, the size of the exhibition is suitable enough to be held on level 2, as it will not be a large-scale one. Secondly, as the exhibition is not a large-scale one, it will not be very expensive, thus making it suitable to be held on level 2. Lastly, there will be a higher possibility to attract larger crowd as it will be visible to anyone coming from the main entrance of the library, and since this exhibition is mainly to promote SLL and increase awareness of the SP community, it will be most appropriate to hold it on level 2. Wednesday Talks

We will be organizing talks to the SP community in Singapore Polytechnic on Wednesday whenever necessary for the updates on SLL. For every talk that students attend, they will be awarded 2 participation CCA points.
Who to approach
The main person to approach for holding talks to the SP community in Singapore Polytechnic will be Mr Goh Poh Heng, the deputy director for School of EEE.
How to reach out
First and foremost, a mass email will be sent out to all the students & staff in SP, through the ichat email. For those who are interested to attend the talk, they will register with a link provided on the email, and the registration information will automatically be stored into a database. After that, further notifications on the talk will be sent through emails to the interested parties only.
When to hold
The talks will be held on every Wednesday, where the SP community does not have any official lessons after lunch. The duration of the talk will be an hour, with Q&A sessions after every talk.
Who to talk
Basically, lecturers who are part of the SLL Family will give the talks most of the time. However, whenever possible, student members of the SLL club can replace the lecturer and give the talks instead. This will create a cooperative ties between the lecturers and the students of the SLL, where both parties can cover up for each other whenever required. The most important thing is that everyone in the SLL club is aware and familiar with the operation and progress of the SLL, so that there will not be any discrepancies arising.  

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