Wednesday 25 July 2012


3.1.3 Advertising Posters

We will be placing posters on SLL all around the campus of SP.
Who to approach
The person to approach for putting up poster around campus will be Dr Danny Quek, who is overall in-charge of FYP. Since SLL is a big project that incorporate student’s FYP project as the base, Dr Danny Quek would be the right person to approach to.
What to put up
For the first phase, there will be a total of 3 different posters, with different catchphrases, that link back to SLL, to attract the attention and invoke curiosity of the SP community. The poster would in A3 size. The 3 posters are shown in Appendix A3.
The poster for the second phase will be to encourage the SP community to visit SLL and get a feel on what it is like to be in a house that is fully solar-powered. 
Where to put up
We will be putting up the posters at food courts, lift areas and notice boards. This is because people will be waiting in those areas, and thus it will attract their attention to see and read the posters when they are bored. Also we want to place the posters in places where they will be easily seen.
How to put up
First and foremost, the posters need to be approved by Dr Danny Quek before putting it up. We also need to tell him which is the location that we are going to put it up and the purpose of putting the poster up. After getting approval from him, he will be stamping our posters and the deadline on when the poster need to be taken off.
When to put up
We will be putting up posters in two phases. The first phase will be when SLL is not built yet. The first phase aims to raise the awareness to the SP community that SP is building SLL and would like students or staff who is interested be a part of SLL. We will want this poster to be put up until the SLL is built. After that, it will be replaced with the new poster in the second phase.
The second phase is when SLL is completely built. The poster objectives will be to invite SP community to witness how successful SLL is. If they are still interested in becoming a part of SLL, they are always welcomed to join the SLL club.
How many to put up
For first phase, we will be putting up 1 A3 size poster in each school. As SP has 10 schools, we will be printing 10 A3 posters in total. Next, we will be printing 30 color A4 posters. We will be putting up 3 different poster design of A4 size.
We will only be using 1 poster design for the second phase, where there will be 10 A3 posters and 40 A4 color posters in total. We will put 1 quality A3 posters in each school and 3 A4 color posters, which leave with 10 remaining A4 color posters. These 10 remaining posters will be put up in lifts area and food courts. SP magazine

We will be publishing articles about SLL on the SP magazine, SPirit.
Who to approach
The main person to approach is Mr Ang Teck Seng. He is in charge of the publication of articles in the SP magazine.
What to publish
For the articles to be published into the SP magazine, it will be according to the progress of the SLL. This means that the articles to be published will be on the update of the SLL. Also, EEE students can write their thoughts and reflections on the SLL which will be published in the magazines as well. Example of EcOasis article is shown in Appendix A4.
Who to write
For the write up of the SLL articles to be published into the SP magazine, the members of the SLL club will be in charge. However, once in a while, the SLL club can engage other EEE students to write for SLL as well.
When to publish
For SPirit, it is published four times a year to the SP community. In this case, we will publish updates through articles every half a year. SP website and SP Blackboard

We will be promoting the SLL through the official website of SP and the Blackboard.
Who to approach
For the advertising of SLL on the homepage of the SP website, the person to approach is Mr Douglas Mok in the Corporate Communications Department. For the advertising of SLL on the website of the School of EEE & Blackboard, the person to approach is Mr Lau Chung Meng.
What to put up
Mainly, we will be putting up contents that will introduce SLL to the SP community under SP Buzz. When one clicks, it will link to SP Buzz website. Contents include the overview of SLL, pictures of the SLL, technologies used in SLL & the milestone of SLL. For the Blackboard, notifications on SLL will be put up for the SP community whenever they log in to Blackboard. The location to put the notification is shown in appendix A5.
When to put up
Depending on the importance and priority of the content to be placed onto the main SP website, Mr Mok & his team will decide on the time duration that the content will be staying up on the website.
How to put up
Firstly, whatever that is needed to be put up in the SP website will be sent to Mr Mok & his team, via email at, for vetting, as the SP website is more for the corporate purposes, therefore checks have to be done before deciding if the content is really suitable to be placed up. However, if the final verdict is that Mr Mok and his team feel that information about SLL should not be placed onto the SP website, he will put it up onto the SP Facebook page instead, where there are approximately 11,000 facebook users linked to that page. As for the advertising of SLL on the website of School of EEE & Blackboard, the content to be placed up will be sent to Mr Lau instead, and after the vetting is done, it can be ready to be put up onto the website of SEEE.

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