Monday 30 July 2012

Visibility to public: Billboard

We will be getting billboards to be placed near the SLL, when it is finally built, to promote the brands of our sponsors. Billboards are useful in the way that they can be exhibited and placed strategically in a place with heavy traffic. This will create a great impression on the people who pass by the area. A major share of drivers, passengers and prospective customers who look at the billboards are impressed every time they see it and this prompts them to purchase a product or hire a service. The more the billboards are visible, the greater the reach to the people. Thus, billboards will have a great impact on people, which make it an effective advertising strategy for the sponsors. We will be placing the billboards in two locations.

Figure 7: 1st Billboard
The first billboard will be put up near the School of Business. It will be placed on the slope facing the main road. This billboard will act as a mean to attract the attention and arouse the interest of passerby of SLL. At the same time, it serves as a purpose to raise awareness of the SP community.
Figure 8: 2nd Billboard Location
The second billboard will be put up right next to the building of SLL. This billboard is used to display and promote the brands of the sponsors. We will be displaying the sponsors logo and products in the billboard.
Since the SLL is located near the MRT track, there will be a huge amount of human traffic every day. Especially during the peak hours, there will be many commuters on the train which is heading from Pasir Ris to Joo Koon. This will be a golden opportunity to promote the sponsors using the billboard as it will be clearly visible to the passengers on the trains.
For the design of the billboards, they can be wrapped with vines and leaves to portray a green environment as our main theme for this project is sustainability. For example in figure 9 and 10, the products are decorated with vines and leaves. Moreover, it will send out an eco-friendly message to the public that the sponsors are actually supporting a campaign that is beneficial to the environment in the long run.
Figure 9: Supertree Grove

Figure 10: Chair with vines

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