Monday 30 July 2012


In view of the whole report, the following conclusions can be made:
·         The proposed theme for the internal marketing is “imprinting memories”.
·         The top 3 social media sites in Singapore from June 2011 to June 2012 are Facebook, YouTube & Twitter. Thus, these 3 social media sites, together with Blogger, will be used to promote for SLL.
·         Exhibitions will be put up in the Singapore Polytechnic Main Library to promote the SLL.
·         Talks will be organized on Wednesday whenever necessary to provide updates on the SLL to the SP community.
·         Posters on the SLL will be placed all around the SP campus to advertise for the SLL. There will be 2 phases of posters in total, before the SLL is built and after the SLL is built.
·         Articles will be published regularly in the SP magazine, SPirit, to provide more information on the SLL to the SP community.
·          Notifications of the SLL will be updated on the SP website and Blackboard whenever required to the SP community.
·         With the implementation of the SLL, it will be beneficial to the students by enhancing the experience of student learning and learning up-to-date technologies related to their diplomas. This will provide a positive publicity for the SLL externally.
·         Billboards will be placed near the School of Business and right next to the SLL to promote the logos of the sponsors.
·         White Polo T-shirts will be produced exclusively for the members of the SLL and the sponsors for advertising purposes. They will be worn during special events where there are media press.
·         By sponsoring for the SLL, it will create a brand differentiation of the sponsors from its competitors. This will increase the company’s image and link the company to sustainability.
·         SLL will be a platform for test-bedding of new products from the sponsor companies. Detailed feedbacks will be given at the end of the day.
·         With the SLL, it will provide future business opportunities for the sponsors as they can implement SLL as a blueprint for further development of business ideas.
·         By sponsoring for SLL, companies can be seen as supporting green campaign in Singapore and thus, reaping benefits and improving profits through the implementation of CSR.

Issues Faced

During the internship, we have faced a few issues that challenged us throughout the whole 16 weeks:

(1)   Inability to adapt to the working life. In the past, during our education in the Singapore Polytechnic, we were given specific assignments and tasks to do for our modules. As such, we were rather used to the spoon-feeding by the lecturers to tell us what we have to do. However, during our internship in SLL, we had to start from the scratch for our Sponsorship & Marketing campaigns. We had no idea on which direction to work to and whether the direction that we were heading was the correct one. Due to this, we were rather unmotivated and felt helpless at times. Lucky for us, we managed to talk it through and discuss with our supervisors & liaison officer and we got over this issue at the end of the day.

(2)   Inadequate knowledge on the tasks we were assigned to for the SLL. As we are tasked to work on the sponsorship and marketing side, we were absolutely clueless on them, besides the mere knowledge on the “4Ps” for marketing. Therefore, we had to get inputs from our supervisors, search for information on the internet and obtain ideas from our business lecturers. All in all, we managed to overcome this obstacle and learn to be more pro-active in finding information from the respective sources.  

(3)   Insufficient manpower to work on the project assigned to us for the SLL. For the sponsorship & marketing campaign, there were only 2 members assigned to this project. Honestly speaking, the manpower is rather insufficient to drive both of the campaigns. After clarification, we realized that we were not required to carry out the actual campaigns now on our own, but rather to come out with detailed plans so that future members can follow up and take over from there. As such, we were clearer of our tasks on hand, and therefore we wasted no time and worked along this direction to come out with a detailed report for the sponsorship and marketing campaigns.

Suggestion: Social Media Incentive

Social Media Sites Incentives
(1)   Quizzes on the SLL will be posted, parts by parts, onto the social media sites to attract people to revisit them. The answers to the questions will be found from articles that will be posted onto the sites, so that readers will read about SLL before answering the questions. At the end of the day, attractive prizes will be given to the first 5 winners. For example, the winners will win a night stay in the SLL and experience something different from their usual home stay.

(2)    To attract more people to visit the social media sites of the SLL, collectible items such as mascots and limited edition items will be given to the first 50 fans of each social media sites.

Figure 21: Hello Kitty collection                              Figure 22: Coca-Cola Glass
An example will be MacDonald, where they give away Hello Kitty’s soft toys and limited edition glass cups.

(3)   In the SLL website or other social media site, an advertisement for giveaways will be put up to attract attention.

Figure 23: The Cofee Bean Card Give Away

For example, ‘The Coffee Bean Card Gift Away’. The giveaways can be a stay in SLL. We can make an advertisement of it and create a poster and post it on the SLL page. Thus to win, one simply needs to like the advertisement and comment on the post and get friends and families to ‘like’ the comments. The giveaways will be presented to the ones with the most likes.

(4)   There will be an integration of the SLL website, Facebook page, Twitter page, YouTube page and the BlogSpot page. This will be done by linking all the social media sites of SLL together. Through this way, it will be more convenient to access to all the sites which will result in higher chance of viewership due to the convenience at the click of the mouse.

(5)   As anime and manga are one of the trends among the teenagers & students right now, there will be a creation of series of comic strips and anime videos. The contents will be about the storylines of the mascots & SLL and how they save the earth. These comic strips and videos will be posted and updated regularly on the social media sites to get people to revisit for entertainment. An example will be

(6)   Interesting architecture pictures of eco-houses will be posted on the social media sites regularly to attract the SP community to visit the sites and to look forward to the beautiful pictures.

(7)   Info graphics about the SLL will be posted on the social media sites to arouse interest and attract attention. Interesting facts about SLL will be posted to captivate the reader’s attention. For example in Figure 24, where it shows the info and facts of facebook

Figure 24: Example of Facebook info-graphics

(8)   For sending emails, regarding the SLL, through the iChat to the SP community, the subject heading MUST capture the reader’s attention immediately. For Example, “FREE MOVIE TICKETS @ Navy Career & Sponsorship Talk. This will entice the reader to open up the email and find out more about it.

Figure 25: Free movie ticket @ Navy Career & Sponsorship Talk

Suggestion: SLL Video Competition

We could create video competitions of SLL by asking students to make a short 1-2 minutes video or animation. These competitions will be held bi-annually. All students are welcome to join these competitions. The maximum entries per group are 5. The video theme will revolve around sustainability and SLL. It will be posted on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube as well as SP website. Winners will receive attractive prices. However, we recommend that the champion should receive $500 to attract students to join this competition. The winner is determined by how many shares, likes and comment that the videos have. They are given 2 months to create the videos/animation and submit it to us. Then, we will post the videos in Facebook and get the students to vote for their favorite videos. The period for voting is 2 weeks. After that, we will announce the winner and we will use their videos to attract and raise awareness to public and students about SLL. We could also make it a compulsory project for student in some courses such as digital animation (DDA), visual effects and motion graphics (DVEMG) and creative writing for TV and new media (DTVM) as they could use their expertise and create videos for SLL.
Figure 20: N.Emation
For example N.E.mation as it is a digital animation competition organized by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence. Into its seventh season in 2012, the competition has proven highly successful, with more than 7,500 students participating since its inception in 2007. With training and guidance, students with no prior experience have been able to create clips of broadcast quality to screen on free-to-air television such as channel 5 and 8. Some of these clips were even selected for international animation festivals and won several awards. 

Suggestion: Key Chain

Key chains are one of the most common souvenir and advertising items. Key chains are commonly used to promote businesses.  A standard advertising key chain will carry the businesses name and contact information and often a logo. Key chains are small and inexpensive enough to become promotional items for larger national companies that might give them out by the thousands. 

In the opening ceremony of SLL, SP could give key chain of our SLL’s mascot as a door gifts. These key chains symbolize the SLL identity and also serve as a small token of appreciation to our guests. We choose key chain as our door gift as key chain is small but meaningful. Furthermore, key chain is affordable and can be manufactured in bulk. In addition, key chain is durable as it can withstand wear and tear which enables the user to use it for a long time. 


Suggestions: SLL Mascot

A mascot represents the “face” of SLL, which is mainly for recognition whenever the mascot is seen. Moreover, the mascot will be needed for fun purposes, to help people relax and have a good time through the jovial perspectives and funny stunts with the mascot. The mascot can also be used for giveaways in SLL’s events, promo's advertising in SP, charity events, fundraisers, assemblies and other similar activities.
Figure 18: Solar-Shell Turtle
For SLL, the mascot must be something that portrays sustainability and is eco-friendly. For recommendation, a tortoise as a SLL mascot is suitable. As a tortoise has a long life span of more than 100 years and durable, thus it perfectly shows sustainability. Moreover, a tortoise is not harmful, which links back to SLL as SLL emits lesser carbon footprint. There will be a solar panel on its shell to link back to SLL. During the opening event of SLL, the mascot will lead the crowd in doing a flash mob to entertain the guests.
Figure 19: Beijing Olympics mascot
For example, in the Beijing Olympics 2008, there are 5 mascots in total to represent the 5 circle of Olympic logo

Suggestions: Banners at SST

Figure 17: Banners at SST Fence

The billboards are only visible to the MRT train going towards Pasir Ris to Joo Koon and the road user on that side only. We would want the MRT going towards Joo Koon to Pasir Ris to know that there is SLL in SP. Therefore, we suggest that we put banner that is large enough for commuters to view it opposite of SLL. However, opposite SLL would be the School of Science and Technology. Thus, we need to ask their permission and put up our banners on the fence of SST’s field which is opposite of SLL. In return, students from SST could have their lesson in SLL. The students will gain a hands-on experience of an eco-house which is high performance and self sustainable on its own. Therefore this will make the lesson interesting for the students of SST. In addition, it is also convenient for them as SLL is just opposite their school and thus saving them transportation fees.