Monday 11 June 2012

From this picture(old version of SLL) given to us by the architecture student, we tried to create a poster from this picture 

This is the first version that we have come out with.  We tried to slant the words as it looks nicer and it is not possible for the words to be straight as the house will be blocking the words. 

This is the second version of our poster. We change our font size and make the font size bigger so that the words  is visible from far. We also tried to put in some phrases in our poster so that the poster would not look as plain. We copied the phrases from the brochure and put it in to the poster.

This will be our third version of our poster. We have made some changes like tilting "come and find out more ...." as the bottom right looks too plain if we make it straight.  We also change "wonder what it would be like with a house that is fully solar-powered?" to "Can you imagine a house that is fully solar powered?". In addition, we also change the color of the 'With SLL, it's Possible to bright orange so that it stand out. But i feel that this poster have something that is lacking or maybe the picture is too dull and not outstanding.

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