Friday 29 June 2012

Week 11

Week 11 has been a fruitful week since we have plan out what we need to to and our final objectives is to finish our internal and external marketing. This week we learn that the Singapore Polytechnic is a big and complex organization. Since we need to gather information on who to approached when we want to market SLL internally. Overall, we have asked advised from Library (Ms Charlotte),  Mr Goh ( Wdenesday talks), DSD ( poster), EEE office (who to approach regarding poster, Wednesday talks, SP website & Magazine)

Since we needed to gather information for our marketing plan, we approached the Library first and we consulted Ms Charlotte about library exhibitions as she is the one that is in-charge of putting exhibitions in the library. She told us about RoboPod which is an exhibition that is a failure as it did not market to the student well enough. She told us that we can put our exhibitions on level 1,2,4. However, we would want to put our SLL's exhibition in level 2 since it is strategic location as the main entrance of the library is level 2. Thus, when student enter the library, they could straight away notice our SLL exhibitions booth.

Next we when to EEE office to gather information about who to approached regarding the Wednesday talk. The receptionist referred us to Mr Goh Poh Heng. Then, we called him and he say that regarding Wednesday talked we need to plan on what we are going to do and the duration of the talk. He also said that we could refer to our lecturers about this. However, we (intern) wanted to learn from scratch on how the school organised this Wednesday talks. First and foremost, a mass email will be sent out to all the students & staff in SP, through the ichat email. For those who are interested to attend the talk, they will register with a link provided on the email, and the registration information will automatically be stored into a database. After that, further notifications on the talk will be sent through emails to the interested parties only.

Next we asked about poster, SP website. For SP poster, they referred asked to Dr Danny Quek, senior lecturer, but also FYP- In charge for EEE students. Since SLL is a big project that uses the students FYP as a base, Dr Danny should be the right person to approached to. In addition, we need to seek his approval before putting up the poster as he need to see the design of the poster and decide whether the poster is acceptable. After he approved he will stamp the poster and deadline on which the poster need to be taken off. But before that, we have consult DSD regarding the posters. However they will only entertain poster that is from the SP clubs.

The EEE office referred us to Mr Lau Chung Meng for EEE website and Corporate Communication department. We went down to corporate communication department regarding putting up SLL information on to the SP homepage. They inform us that we need to write a email to Mr Douglas (  regarding what type of information are we putting up in the SP website. Thus, he will make the final decision wheteher it is important for the student to know that information. However, if the information is not that important, he will still help us and published it in SP Facebook page.

In short, this week we have learn a lot about SP complex organisation.

5 weeks more.. Persevere & move forward. Keep your chin up and laugh all your worries away : )

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