Monday 11 June 2012

After some discussion, we think it is good to have some back up poster to play with. So we took some pictures of SLL from the principal update Powerpoint slides. So we name our poster day version and night version. So our ideas is we want to paste as 3 different poster in schools but this poster is different but link in some ways. the different will be the technologies that we are describing in the poster for them to ponder upon.

This will be the picture that we have taken from the principal update slides. 

We tried to make this poster similar to the one that we have made. So everything is almost the same as the previous poster but with different catch phrases for the students to ponder upon. Also we changes the color contrast of the words to suit the background picture of this building. 

The different from this picture from the above is that the phrase "With SLL, it's Possible" is in a different color where the orange is lighter. However we felt that this poster have something that is lacking. Maybe the color or maybe even the message that we want to deliver is not strong enough to capture the attention of the viewers.

This picture is also stolen from the principal update ppt. This picture is the night version of SLL.

As we mention earlier, we tried to make the poster as similar as the first one. However the different thing about this poster is the background of this picture is attractive and eye catching for the viewers. Some students also commented that this is the poster that is eye catching for them and by seeing the picture they would want to read and find more about this. The color of the heading is in yellow color as i want it to be bright and it is also the color of the sun. Thus, this will link to the Solar Living Lab. 

This picture is not that different from the previous one. We only changes some colors and phrases as we have come out with different phrases for the student to ponder about. For example "Can you imagine a house that is fully solar powered?", Can you imagine a house that has zero net energy consumption, Can you imagine a house that manages waste for energy generation. 

Readers please vote for the poster that you like :)

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