Tuesday 29 May 2012

1st Draft Rejected because it looks like a japan flag

This picture also look lousy because we self learn on how to use the Photoshop.  However , we only  learn on how to combine the picture together and learn how to put in words in the picture. We learn all this from YouTube. This first draft is just a testing ground for us to learn Photoshop.

This will our second draft. We wanted our poster to have  a lively happy feeling that  is why our poster have a  sun on  the top right hand corner. The phrases "it is not just a house but the house" seems a bit weird and awkward. The 5+1 student also gave us some comments such as they do not like the font that we used and the font that we used they said that it is too thick and not appealing enough.

This will be our third draft. We did nothing much but just highlighted the words "The house and Our Family". However, the comments they gave us is that the poster seems to plain and they suggested us to put in background for our poster. They also commented that the phrasing of the words is bad and find it childish.

Yes, our forth draft of SLL's poster. We have taken the 5+1 students comments and put background pictures of the sky. We put in the sky as a background because we want people to look at the poster and make them feel relax. We also have changes the phrasing to " it is not just another house but the dream house" and highlighted & italic the dream house. We created "the dream house" because we are not sure whether  SLL that they are doing would be successful so we felt that this are the dreams that we all have in common to see  SLL successfully built. So that is why it is a dream house where it is a house that is self-sustainable where the house does not rely on the grid for electricity and it gives out lesser carbon emission.

Our fifth draft we change the phrases. For example "It not just a house but the DREAM HOUSE where SUSTAINABILITY is the key..." and "Come & be a part of OUR FAMILY to witness the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES of our time..." We did this changes because my classmate Jolynn Tey recommended that we make a greater impact and make the words more loud. Thus that it why we caps and highlighted some of the words but it does not come out with what we wanted.

Finally our 6th draft. We just change the caps word to just caps the first word only. However this draft was rejected by Mr Yio as he says that the poster is 2D only and is not serious enough because he felt that this is a serious project and want serious people who are keen to work on SLL. He also says that we need to make a mysterious feel about our poster and also says that the poster is too direct in the face where all the technologies is all given which gave  no room for the student to imagine what SLL is. Back to our drawing board....

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