Friday 11 May 2012

How to conduct a marketing campaign

(1) Know how your marketing campaign fits into your marketing plan.
-      Know target market

(2) Set your marketing campaign objective and parameters.
-      What do you want your marketing campaign to achieve?
-      What will be achieved + how long will the marketing campaign run?

(3) Determine how you will measure success.

(4) Set your marketing campaign budget.

(5) Choose your marketing strategies to communicate with the customers.
-      What communication channels are you going to use?
(6)  Create a time line/action plan.
-      Write down what exactly you’re going to do and when in your marketing campaign.
(7) Do it.
(8) Measure your results.
-      Go back to your marketing objective, measure what you've chosen to measure to determine the marketing campaign's success and see how it's done.
(9) Tweak and repeat as necessary.

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