Thursday 26 April 2012

Cold Calling Script v2

Good morning/afternoon sir/madam

This is Lenny calling on behalf of the Singapore Polytechnic

Did I catch you at a good time?

We are currently undergoing a project called Solar Living Lab

Solar Living Lab is an eco-house that is going to be build in SP

We wanted to see if "company name" would be interested in sponsoring some parts(list parts) for building of Solar Living Lab.

Is it possible for us to book an appointment with "company name" to further elaborate on Solar Living Lab and also tell you more about the benefits for sponsoring SLL?

More importantly, we hope to discuss and compromise the parts and quantity that your company are willing to sponsor, so that we could achieve a win-win situation for the both of us.

Which day is convenient for us to go down personally to pay your company a visit? 

For any further enquiry, do give me a ring at "phone number" or drop me an email at "email add". 

We look forward in meeting you soon.

Thank you.

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