Monday 30 April 2012

Draft of Brochure

We have discussed with Mr Yio and he gave us a rough idea on how the brochure is going to look like. He also have completed the first page of the brochure and tasked us to do the second page. He also show us the ways that we can create a brochure with the powerpoint slides. This sketches is our first ever draft of brochure for SLL. We are sorry if the sketches that we made is not up to standard as both of us can't draw. However, we have a rough ideas on how the brochure is going to be like. ;)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Cold Calling Script v2

Good morning/afternoon sir/madam

This is Lenny calling on behalf of the Singapore Polytechnic

Did I catch you at a good time?

We are currently undergoing a project called Solar Living Lab

Solar Living Lab is an eco-house that is going to be build in SP

We wanted to see if "company name" would be interested in sponsoring some parts(list parts) for building of Solar Living Lab.

Is it possible for us to book an appointment with "company name" to further elaborate on Solar Living Lab and also tell you more about the benefits for sponsoring SLL?

More importantly, we hope to discuss and compromise the parts and quantity that your company are willing to sponsor, so that we could achieve a win-win situation for the both of us.

Which day is convenient for us to go down personally to pay your company a visit? 

For any further enquiry, do give me a ring at "phone number" or drop me an email at "email add". 

We look forward in meeting you soon.

Thank you.

Cold Calling script v1

Good morning/afternoon sir/madam

This is Aminuddin calling from Singapore Polytechnic

Do you have a moment to speak?

We are currently undergoing a project called Solar Living Lab

Basically, Solar Living Lab is an eco-house that is going to be build in SP

We wanted to see if "company name" would be interested in sponsoring some parts(list parts) for building of Solar Living Lab.

Is it possible if we could make an appointment with "company name" to further elaborate on Solar Living Lab and also tell you about the benefits for sponsoring SLL?

More importantly, we hope to discuss and compromise the parts and quantity that your company are willing to sponsor.

So which day would be appropriate for us to go down and visit your company?

We look forward in meeting you soon.

Thank you.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Benefits for the sponsors

Publicize company logo & brand & product in a positive way

Since the company we are going to approach is in a b2b business, they do not need to advertise their product to the public using the means of TV and newspaper advertisement. So how do this type of company advertise their product? Since SLL is open to the public, other corporate and companies will also come and visit SLL to take a look and how successful SLL is and what are the component that made SLL running efficiently. Therefore, the sponsor will get publicity for their product as we will create a board that has all the sponsors logo and display it inside or outside SLL. We will also give credit to the sponsor through media and will invite representative to our opening day of SLL to show our gratitude and show to the sponsors how successful SLL is running. 

Helping companies enhance image

As the government is encouraging to go green, companies should also be part of it. What better ways to promote green by educating and inculcate young Singaporean the mindsets of  valuing the Earth. Thus, SP is building SLL which is an eco-house. Basically, SLL is a house that is environmentally low-impact home designed and built using technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs. Through this way, it will help our sponsors to enhance their image as companies that support the going-green campaign. It also spread positive attitude to their customer as they are a part in promoting and encouraging people to go green and save the Earth.

Building a rapport between SP & Sponsors (enhancing business relations)

Since we are going to build a relationship with the sponsors, SP could send our intern to work at their companies. In addition, SP is currently upgrading and renovating so we could approach our sponsors if we need their material again. Therefore, we are creating a collaborative relationship between SP and them.

Differentiating from competitors

Sponsoring for SLL has the potential to differentiate their brands against other competitors, as they are part of a project that has never been done before.

With all this factors, it will enable companies/sponsors to increase their sales in a long run.

SLL Facebook page

Check out SLL facebook page :

Reasons on why companies intend to sponsor

·         Increasing brand loyalty

·         Brand differentiation

·         Changing/strengthening brand image

·         Creating company or product awareness and visibility

·         Driving retail traffic or sales

·         Highlighting community responsibility, or corporate social responsibility

·         Building new and deeper community networks

·         Enhancing company's credibility and educating the public about products and services

·         The opportunity to have the public sample a new product or provide demonstration of a product or service

·         Entertaining clients (can be important when sponsoring cultural or athletic events)

·         Targeting a niche market

·         Recruiting, retaining or motivating employees and fostering talent and teaching new skills to employees

Monday 23 April 2012

6th day (23/4) Time-frame for sponsor

From the sponsor mind-map:


Source for potential sponsors
Prepare essential material
Source for manpower
Confirm sponsor list
Contact potential sponsor
Close deal
Update sponsor on SLL
Check material/money received
Invite representative to SLL opening day
SLL opening day

No. of weeks
Proceeded by

Till opening day (2014)

Thus, here is the AON table,

The earliest finish time : 44 weeks
The latest finish time: 46 weeks
There will be a float of 2 weeks in case of any unforeseen event happen.

Next would be the gantt chart,

Date to start on 23 April 2012 or maybe next week on 30 April 2012
We will be contacting the sponsors maybe around 9 July to 12 October (14 weeks)
Then we could close the deal with sponsor around 15 October to 30 November (7 weeks)
Next update the sponsor till the opening event of SLL

5th day (20/4) Marketing overview

Marketing (Internal)

1/5/2012 - 15/7/2012

Steps to take:
(1)    Define market focus& target audience
(2)    Define USP & benefits of SLL
-          Get detailed information from the various departments
(3)    Determine the communication objectives & goals
*Complete by 1 week*

(4)    Define budget for promotional activities
-          Need for sourcing of funds (posters, flyers etc)
(5)    Create materials for promotional purposes
(6)    Decide on the venues to hold the promotional activities (liaise with the relevant depts.)
(7)    Source for manpower to assist in the promotional activities (work with DSD)
-          Ichat emails for volunteers (award CCA points)
-          SP website
-          Posters
-     Briefing for volunteers
*Complete by 2 months*

(8)    Run the promotional activities for 1 week
-          If promotional goals are not met, find ways to improve and do another round
*Complete by 1 week, 1 more week if first attempt is not successful*

(9)    Update students on the progress of SLL and urge them for suggestions to improve the SLL
-          So that they will be part of the SLL in a way or another
-          Promote a holistic effort of SP

Monday 16 April 2012